viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2017

A different type of "assessment"...

My school is going through the NEASC Accreditation process and I am on the Assessment committee, so I have been thinking and reading a lot about assessment! 

In my Cultura y Civilización class, we are currently doing a unit that revolves around the movie "Ocho Apellidos Catalanes"(totally free here) (before our lotería unit... is the extraterrestre a representation of los catalanes?!?) and I wanted to do a different evaluación.

So how to assess a unit with these Preguntas Esenciales (unit packet)?
  • ¿De dónde vienen los estereotipos/tópicos? ¿Son buenos o malos los estereotipos/tópicos? Explica.
  • ¿Cómo es la cultura española diversa? ¿Cómo son similares y/o diferentes algunos productos, prácticas, y perspectivas culturales de las diferentes comunidades autónomas de España?
  • ¿Cómo son similares y/o diferentes algunos estereotipos/tópicos de España con algunos de los Estados Unidos?
I came up with 16 different things that students can choose from. These could definitely be used for any movie and for any level! 

They have to do one of the choices after each part of the movie (I have divided it into six parts). You can see the choices that students have for la evaluación here (or scroll down to the bottom of this post). The rubric (linked here or scroll down) includes a couple of strands from our School Wide Rubric (SWR). In my grade book, this assessment will go into two categories: Communication and Comparisons/Culture/Connections.

And here are some examples of what some students have done so far for the first two parts. I will be adding more as we continue the unit. I love "correcting"  these and I love to see their reactions and their creativity! I really love the "Movie Snaps"!

Ocho Apellidos Catalanes

Después de ver cada parte, tienes que hacer una de estas cosas para mostrar tu entendimiento, para reaccionar, para reflexionar, para opinar, para interpretar, y/o para mostrar lo que has aprendido. No puedes repetir. Pondrás todo en la presentación en Google Classroom. 

  • __________  Haz un Snapchat (no lo tienes que poner en tu historia) o post de Instagram (no lo tienes que poner en tu historia) como si fueras un personaje de la película y compártelo con la clase.
  • __________  Haz un Snapchat (no lo tienes que poner en tu historia) o post de Instagram (no lo tienes que poner en tu historia) explica algo, es una reacción a algo, compara algo cultural y/o muestra algo cultural (3 Ps).
  • __________  Di una reacción a algo. Puedes hacer esto con otra persona y será como una conversación.
  • __________  Escribe un resumen de la parte que vimos.
  • __________  Escribe una predicción sobre lo que va a pasar.
  • __________  Describe algunos productos, prácticas, y/o perspectivas culturales que viste en esta parte de la película. 
  • __________  Investiga un producto, práctica, o perspectiva cultural que viste en esta parte de la película y escribe lo que encontraste.
  • __________  Dibuja algo que puede ser una decoración para la clase.
  • __________  Escribe 3-5 preguntas sobre la parte de la película.
  • __________  ¿Qué cambiarías de la parte que vimos?
  • __________  ¿Qué harías tú si fueras un personaje de la película?
  • __________  Escribe una entrada del diario de una persona.
  • __________  ¿Qué quieres que un personaje de la película haga?
  • __________  Escribe una cita importante que un personaje dijo y describe porque es importante.
  • __________  Escribe unas palabras nuevas y/o interesantes mientras miras la película.
  • __________  Dibuja el ojo de un personaje y lo que ve y/o dibuja la cabeza de un personaje con globos de texto de lo que piensa.
  • __________  Otra idea tuya...

Use of Language
- Your vocabulary and grammar are excellent for the level you are in.
- Vocabulary and grammar pages show lots of evidence of growth and/or reflection.
- Your vocabulary and grammar are good for the level you are in.
- Vocabulary and grammar pages show some evidence of growth and/or reflection.
- Your vocabulary and grammar are very basic for the level you are in.
- Vocabulary and grammar pages show very little evidence of growth and/or reflection.
- Your vocabulary and grammar are extremely basic for the level you are in.
- Vocabulary and grammar pages do not show evidence of growth and/or reflection.
Content/Depth of Knowledge
- Exceptional depth of knowledge of each part of the movie demonstrated.
- Masterfully utilizing the information in the part of the movie to summarize, reflect, compare, contrast, give opinions about, and analyze. (**Even if what you choose does not specifically tell you to do this**)
- Proficient depth of knowledge demonstrated, appropriately accessing  the information in the part of the movie to summarize, reflect, compare, contrast, and analyze.
- Uncomfortable command of knowledge demonstrated, with limited and/or disconnected use of  the information in the part of the movie to summarize, reflect, compare, contrast, and analyze.
- Confused and/or disinterested grasp of knowledge with limited capability to use the information in the part of the movie to summarize, reflect, compare, contrast, and analyze.
Use of Other Materials
- Uses a wide variety of tools to communicate a depth of understanding of each part of the movie.

- Uses these materials in a thoughtful, "out of the box" way to demonstrate meaning.

- Each page is visually appealing (adding pics and/or videos to explain and illustrate) and tells the "story" in an original way.
- Uses a variety of tools to communicate a depth of understanding of each part of the movie.
- Uses these materials in a thoughtful, "out of the box" way to demonstrate meaning.
- Each page is visually appealing and tells the "story" in an original way, but tools may be used in a repetitive way.
- Uses some tools to communicate an understanding of each part of the movie.
- Some tools don't communicate meaning, but rather are random "decorations" not necessarily related to the book.
- Most pages are visually appealing and tell the "story," but it may be repetitive.
- Uses a limited amount of tools to communicate a limited understanding of each part of the movie
- Some tools don't communicate meaning, but rather are random "decorations" not necessarily related to the book.
- Some pages are visually appealing and tell the "story," but it may be repetitive.
Management of Time
Highly effective use of class time and strong evidence of effort outside of class with work submitted on time.
Appropriate use of class time and evidence of effort outside of class with work submitted on time.
Use of class time and out of class time needs improvement with work only partially submitted on time.
Inappropriate use of class time and little to no evidence of out of class time with work submitted late.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Kara! thank you so much for your ideas! Can you explain how you address vocab. and grammar in advanced content-based classes. I teach IB and my kids do wonderfully on the exam but I always back and forth about how to teach/grade/manage vocab. and grammar acquisition at this level. I am kind of in the middle between CI and university-style. I only do proficiency-based assessments but also feel they would benefit from some element of their grade being based on memorizing rules & words at this level for these tests. I don't want to spend much class time on it though. Any thoughts?

    1. Check out this post on grammar:

      Also, I don't give vocabulary lists because they acquire a lot throughout the units.

      Memorizing rules and words does not lead to students being able to actually use them, so I would rather spend time giving them lots of input! Giving grammar notes and/or going over a vocabulary list seems like such a waste of valuable time (that has changed over the last 10 years!).

      I don't give vocabulary lists, but I do Quizlet Live to help them acquire vocabulary. This set would be an example of that:
