viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

"We teach languages" podcast and resource links

I had a great, somewhat rambling, conversation with Maris Hawkins, for the podcast We teach languages. So, I wanted to share a bit about what I talked about on the podcast. And I also wanted to share a whole bunch of links to good resources in one place. <------ Here is the preview and here is the link to the podcast.

As I said on the podcast, I love comprehensifying an extending authentic resources. And I LOVE using stories as the anchor of units. I can't imagine teaching without stories.

The stories that I use come in many forms: movies, music videos, novels, and/or other resources. My favorite stories are ones that are from authentic resources because I can extract tons of cultural products, practices, and perspectives. And with authentic resources, there is automatic differentiation. And students get to see a ton of cultural and linguistic diversity with authentic resources... but as I said on the podcast, authentic resources aren't always accessible to our students, but we can (and should) make them accesible and enjoyable too!

Below are some of my favorite movie resources. I have used all of these with great success and engagement! Some of these I created, some I created with Arianne Dowd or Elena López, and some Arianne created. I think Bethanie Drew may have been in the mix on some of these too. They are all excellent and will let you extend that "movie unit" over a long period of time with lots of input! #GoBeyondComprehensionQuestions
Some of my other favorite stories and/or units basted on comprehensified and extended authentic resources are the following:

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