sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2018

Novice AND Intermediate Unit: La Lotería Navideña 2018

I have worked very hard the last few days (thanks to a snow day!) to create a Novice AND an Intermediate units for the new Lotería Navideña ad "22 otra vez." And I am very excited for what I have come up with! You can purchase it here on TPT. (Also, Maris Hawkins and Arianne Dowd will have another version, soon! It will be in between my two versions.)

If you haven't seen the commercial yet, here it is:

Here are some examples of assessments (I have included 6-8 assessments in all modes of communication for both Novice and Intermediate):
And here are previews of the two versions of the story:

Preview of NOVICE version
Preview of INTERMEDIATE version

2 comentarios:

  1. Kara, thank you for sharing these ideas. :-) Your district is so lucky to have you as part of their team! Although many of your posts are upper level (and I teach beginners), I want you to know you are such an inspiration and have helped me become a better teacher these past couple years. By inviting teachers into your world, through your blog, you are helping us grow! As I've stated before, I work in a Title 1 district, and I'm the only language teacher in our building, so Twitter is my main source of collaboration. You are greatly appreiated. Thank you, again, and happy holidays!

    1. Tara! Thank you so much for your kind comments. As I have told you before, comments like this keep me creating and sharing :)
