viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019

Resources and Edpuzzles for the "Food Unit"

I am currently teaching a "food unit" in Spanish 3. This unit, originally based on a Realidades 2 chapter, has gone through many revisions! This time around, we are focusing on learning about Spanish and Mexican foods and comparing them to food from our culture. See the Essential Questions and the Metas on slides 2 and 3.

To start the unit, students did a few Edpuzzles (see slide 4 for links) to get input with food vocabulary. Right now, Edpuzzle is really a wonderful tool because we have one month of school left! And I love Pablo from Dreaming Spanish (support him here is you use his videos a lot). 

Then, we used this video: Our Favorite Mexican Food to learn about five Mexican foods. As a class, we created the descriptions and students took notes. I added the Google images so students could see the foods. Then they did two more Edpuzzles with authentic videos (see slide 12 for links).

After we spent some time with those Mexican foods, we used three other Dreaming Spanish to learn about some common Spanish foods. Again, we watched the videos together, wrote up the descriptions as a class, and students took notes. See slides 13-27. 

Today we will play Quizlet Live or Gimkit to review the foods and get more input. Students will also do two more Edpuzzles related to Spanish food (see slide 29). The Edpuzzle for "How to make Spanish Omelette" will be an interpretive evaluación (the other Edpuzzles were classword grades).

After we have spent some time learning about the foods, students will do two more evaluaciones:
  • a reading activity in which they have to read descriptions and identify the foods (will post soon)
  • written Comparación Cultural as a presentational assessment
Note: I did not make all of these Edpuzzles... I made most and then put them all together for the unit!

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