sábado, 28 de marzo de 2020

No te vayas (de tu casa)

Teaching online is challenging! One of my main goals is to give my students to get engaging input at this time. (I also want to make connections with them too!)

I surveyed my students yesterday and asked if they would like to continue with story/song of the week. I wasn't sure what they would answer, but the overwhelming answer was yes!

So, for my Spanish 3 class, I am working on activities for the song/video "No te vayas" by Carlos Vives. I love Carlos Vives! And this video is totally appropriate and fun.

So far, I have created this slideshow. My students will know most of the "vocabulario y estructuras importantes". These are my honors students and they sometimes like to have "vocabulary lists". However, they will acquire this vocabulary, NOT through studying it, but rather through lots of INPUT with the story.

I will be working on creating online input-driven activities in the next week, but wanted to share these few things in case anyone can use it. 

I will be creating  created a video (with Google Meet) of me saying the story in the slideshow and I made this Edpuzzle.

I also did something new. I created this Edpuzzle that shows the music video and has the text of the story. Students would do that after hearing me tell the story.  

This doc (still a work in progress!) has some other ideas and links. If anyone wants to help with any of this, let me know and I can give you editing access.

And how sweet is this version!?!

15 comentarios:

  1. Está hermoso tu trabajo, me encanta la manera como te apasionas para hacer creible entre todos los estudiantes que aprender español es super fácil y divertido. Seguiré viendoloque haces porqu eso facilita mi aprendizaje del ingles.

  2. Corregido, debo dejar escrito todo perfectamente. "Está hermoso tu trabajo, me encanta la manera como te apasionas para hacer creible entre todos los estudiantes que aprender español es super fácil y divertido. Seguiré viendo lo que haces porque eso facilita mi aprendizaje del ingles".

  3. Holy moly, when did you do all this WORK?! After two weeks of being up in the air, it's time for us to start remote learning and I'm like ... WOAH. looking at all this.

    1. Haha! I don't sleep!

      Kidding - I have been working on that story for a while, since it came out on March 5th.

  4. Gracias por tu trabajo! ¡Enhorabuena!

  5. First and foremost-I am a big fan of your work and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do to make this profession more accessible and exciting to both students and teachers of WL! Love the No te vayas to lighten the mood this week w/ my Spanish 3. Eres fenomenal!

    1. Aaaaw, thank you so much!

      Comments like this keep me sharing!

      Who are you? :)

  6. Thank you, Kara for helping us teachers! I love your work and it is always an honor to contribute 'un granito de arena'. Pienso usar esta unidad estas semanas. Un millón de gracias!

    1. You're welcome :)

      Thank you for leaving this comment!

    2. I will share with you any add on. I already made some questions for part of it and will send them to you via email

  7. I cannot believe how much work must have gone into this and what a wealth of exercises it is for the kiddos. Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. You're welcome! And as you can see in the folder, there were a number of teachers who helped with this!
