miércoles, 22 de julio de 2020

Breakout Dictation... and another PD offering

I have presented some PD in the last couple of months and one thing that teachers really like is Zoom Breakout Rooms (I hope Google Meet has them soon!).

So, I wanted to share something that I have done with teachers: Breakout Dictations (see below or click here).
Decided not to this PD now... Coming soon: A three hour workshop called "Story/Song of the Week(s): Remote Version". This workshop will be in mid-late August and will be three hour Zoom session spread out over four hours. Details coming soon!

lunes, 13 de julio de 2020

Duolingo Podcasts

Have yolistened to any of the Duolingo Podcasts? They are soooooo good! They are like an easier version of Radio Ambulante and tell interesting and uplifting stories from all over the Spanish speaking world.

I have listened to a ton of them (there are 60 total) because they are perfect for a screen-break-walk. Here are some of my favorites. And here is a detailed listening/question guide that I made for Episodio  52: Otro camino hacia la victoria

I hope to develop more listening/question guides like that, but in the meantime, I made this template (adapted a bit from Bethanie Drew's template) to use for my Spanish 4 and Cultura y Civilización classes this fall. I also made the video below to explain some things to my students. I have included some gramática in there... these upper level students really like grammar! UPDATE: The grammar section is now only for extra credit.