viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2020

La lotería de Navidad 2020... and a TPT sale

 The 2020 commercials for the Spanish Christmas lottery came out yesterday and like always, they aref full lots of possibilities for using in class. I think I will just use the first one from this year and just keep it simple (no massive resource creating this year with hybrid happening!)

If you are looking for lotería resources, I am throwing a sale on all of my lotería resources - there are TON - click here to see them. 

Keep scrolling down to see all the commercials that are excellent for class! 

You can also find lots of free stuff if you search lotería on my blog. 

Here are some suggestions to get started and to explain what the Spanish Christmas lottery is.

Here are the previous year's ads that I have used and created resources for. 

This one was during the economic crisis in 2014. I just give a brief description of what happens in the commercial, but leave out the ending. I make sure to emphasize that a coffee there costs $1.